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The Path to the One : Neoplatonism and the Mystical Ascent

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Discover the enduring wisdom and profound spiritual quest of Neoplatonism, the philosophy that shaped the mystical traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and other world religions. In this engaging and accessible guide, explore the captivating ideas of Plotinus, Porphyry, and Proclus, as we dive into:

  • The One: Understand the concept of the ultimate, transcendent reality that serves as the source of all existence.
  • Cosmic Hierarchy: Unravel the intricate structure of the universe, from the pure realm of the Intellect to the ever-changing material world.
  • Soul’s Ascent: Embark on the transformative journey of the soul as it strives to reconnect with its divine origin.
  • Mystical Union: Explore the language and metaphors used to describe the ineffable experience of union with the One.
  • Legacy & Transformation: Discover how Neoplatonism influenced Christianity and Kabbalah, shaping the development of Western mysticism.

Whether you’re a spiritual seeker, a philosophy enthusiast, or simply curious about the mysteries of the universe, “The Path to the One” offers a compelling and enriching exploration of Neoplatonic mysticism and its profound impact on our understanding of the world and ourselves. the book on Amazon: